A fellow IT guy walked past my desk and asked about the 400 MHz Celeron box that I had tied to my switch box. I informed him that this was my Linux test box. He said that we have much better boxes than that in our storage room, and invited me to shop. I pulled out a Dell 4100 - with an Intel 815 chipset and ATI Rage 128 Pro graphics. I plan on installing this one as a true server - Apache, Ruby, Rails, MySQL 5.0, and SSH. Here's how I did it: 1. Make an install ISO of Dapper Drake Flight 3 . 2. Select [Install As Server] at the install menu. 3. modify inittab for 3 consoles (put a # in front of other consoles). 4. edit /etc/apt/sources.list to add universe and multiverse 5. apt-get update & apt-get upgrade 6. a. apt-get install openssh-server mysql-client mysql-server ruby apache2 b. apt-get install libapache2-mod-scgi unzip rdoc 7. edit etc/ssh/sshd_config to dis-allow root access, change port number, and AllowLogin for my user id. 8. upgrade linux kernel to latest 686 v...
My experiences with computer programming, using c#, Mono, Ruby, Rails, SQL Server 2000, and MySQL.