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Showing posts from July, 2021

Destiny 2 Inverted Spire Nightfall Notes

 [I accidentally named this "Insight Terminus" when I built it!] Overview Environmental concerns ... a few Solar shields, mostly Arc and Void. Loadout By Class / Titan, Hunter, Warlock ( do this for next rotation ) This one is fairly easy, so Witherhoard, Scout and Anarchy are workable.  Blinding Grenade Launcher are effective in the the first cavern, the Drill Platform Control Center and any other crowded areas.  Titans with Cuirass of the Falling Stars, Chaos Reach + Geomag Stabilizers and other hard-hitting exotic + super combinations are good. A scout with one of each element type (solar, arc and void) is best.  I used my void Royal Entry rocket launcher on a few void shielded red bars and vex.  In "clutch" situations, I would stun then Rocket a champion. The best loadouts had Anarchy, Witherhoard, Blinding Grenades and scout rifles (because of mods).  Don't use Auto Rifle because they don't have enough range, and you will waste ammo.  Of course, ...

Destiny 2 - Fallen Saber Grandmaster Nightfall Notes

For Season of the Splicer (Summer 2021), seasonal mods are: Barrier Auto or Scout Rifle, Unstoppable Pistol or Grenade Launcher (not needed) , Overload Submachine Gun or Hand Cannon.  Champions are Barrier and Overload, and solar damage is increased. Elemental enemies shields are mostly arc and void (maybe no solar shields). Team Loadout: * Titan with Ursa Furiosa (Void middle tree Banner Shield)  Scout Rifle with Explosive Payload (Nightwatch, Hung Jury)  Submachine Gun - Riskrunner (Exotic Arc Submachine Gun)  Rocket Launcher (void) - Tomorrow's Answer, Royal Entry, Hezen Vengance  (When Titan uses banner shield, be aware of where the power orbs will fall, for faster supers).  * Warlock with Radiant Well / Phoenix Protocol  Night Watch Scout  Truth Teller Grenade Launcher (void) w/ Blinding Grenades  Anarchy * Warlock with Shade Binder (Turret Grenade, Winter's wrath) / [Verity's Brow] or Eye Of Another World (something for faster stasis gr...