I follow the Mono Blog aggregator, and Miguel de Icaza mentioned that a user had tested ProMesh.NET on Mono, and it ran without any changes! That in in itself was cool, but when I took a look at ProMesh.Net, it looked like a well designed framework, perhaps comparable to MonoRail. The framework is ORM agnostic, and the biggest weakness might be it's view templates, but they have a great tutorial, so judge for yourself!
My current development environment is Visual Studio Express C# Edition (read that as free ), Castle ActiveRecord's latest svn trunk(usually within a few days), and NHibernate svn trunk. As of NHibernate version 1.2.0, there is a very cool new class out there ... DetachedCriteria. This class lets you set all of your Castle relational attributes like BelongsTo, HasMany, etc. as lazy fetch, and over-ride this for searches, reports, or anytime you know ahead of time that you will be touching the related classes by calling detachedCriteria.SetFetchMode(..., FetchEnum.Eager). As a good netizen, I have tried to contribute to NHibernate and Castle ActiveRecord even if only in the smallest of ways . Oh yeah, I tried mapping to a SQL VIEW, and it worked GREAT! I received a comment after my last post, indicating that there is a better way, and I am sure of it, but the view guaranteed that I only have one database request for my dataset. NHibernate was wanting to re-fetch my missing as...